
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

UNA Board of Directors' Meeting, June 11, 2013

Here are my 'tweets' from the June 11, 2013 UNA Board of Directors' meeting.  As per usual read from bottom up for chronological order.


  1. And that's all she wrote .... Board meeting over. 7:27pm
  2. Stipend does not go up - it must wait till September for the AGM to approve.
  3. Restricted parking in Hawthorn Place East passes. Only residents can park 8am-6pm Mon-Sat in those areas.
  4. UNA Director stipend increase recommendation on the table. Menzies abstains from vote (which passed). COLA clause.
  5. Parking restrictions at Hawthorn East increased to include Saturdays Resident only Monday-Saturday 8am - 6pm.
  6. UNA acts to ensure data security and operations viability by voting to renew our in-house server.
  7. Director Frank goes for the Cloud again even though that wasn't on the table.
  8. It's not could mean $600,000 - it is that much more each year already.
  9. Metro Van planning on 20% markup on water rates for non-members. UEL and UBC are basically the only non-members.
  10. The new C20 route will operate clock-wise via SW Marine Drive and counter-clockwise via West Mall
  11. Official skatepark opening is June 15.
  12. AMS to host a student leadership development conference - SUDS (really, suds?)
  13. Walk&Roll presentation rolls to completion at 6:40pm.
  14. Showed the recommended routes across campus. 1 goes down Westbrook Mall 2 UHS. Wonder why that very busy car-centric road 4 biking?
  15. Presenters call the one week Walk&Roll a success. Higher participation than predicted. Question - how durable is participation?
  16. Walk&Roll presentation now up at 6:24pm.
  17. Grant's report ends at 14 minutes overall.
  18. 29% increase in revenue of the Old Barn Community Centre. Credits increase in revenue to increase in participation of programs
  19. Annual revenue up 29& to $228,079 from last year. No mention of five year trend.
  20. Revenue from Old Barn programmes increased over last year month over month except Oct. & Nov.
  21. Next report on Old Barn Community Centre. Grant Hoyme.
  22. Finally, education and engagement is key to get people engaged. (6:00pm).
  23. Ralph suggests increasing access to organic composting & plastics & ewaste - need depots
  24. Ralph concludes that it's possible to recycle in multi-family housing. One problem is dealing with plastics.
  25. Families had 83% waste diversion compared to 15% for a typical Metro Van family. That's stuff that's not going to landfill.
  26. Here's my own report on the zero waste project - not as optimistic as Ralph's report.
  27. RCMP will conduct an emergency response exercise on June 18 which will include a realistic depiction of criminal activity
  28. Ralph Wells giving a presentation on zero waste challenge (5:50pm)
  29. not yet - it's coming down the tube in a few years.
  30. Time allotted for residents to address the board has been moved from 7pm to 5pm, but no one is in line to speak.
  31. "The Womb" in the existing Aquatic Center will be somewhat replicated in the new one as a "Viewing ramp"
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  32. 3h
    UNA Directors Menzies & Frank express disappointment at the removal of the steam & sauna room.
  33. Director Franks says its still nice, but a little disappointing that it's not what we had before: especially lack of LEAD Gold standard.
  34. Aquatic Centre design cuts sauna and steam rooms. Too bad. That's one of the things that made the old aquatic centre so nice.
  35. Kavie Toor giving presentation on new Aquatic Centre and changes to the plans - smaller pool is outcome.
  36. The start of the Directors meeting.
  37. University Neighbourhoods Association board of directors meeting to start at 5pm. I'll be live tweeting from the Directors' Table 2nite