I’ve posted the comments in chronological order for ease of reading.
- CRM: @ubyssey UBC isn't alone in opposing the anti-democratic actions of Metro. Check out http://utownnews.ca/ Though UBC motives are different.
- CRM: UBC tells Metro Vancouver to back off | Straight.com: http://bit.ly/hLGFA
- CRM: At the electoral area a committee meeting, planning bylaw and working group http://yfrog.com/4ih97j
- CRM: When asked who the decision makers are, cmtte chair Harris says she doesn't know!
- CRM: @ubyssey democratic deficit majour theme at electoral area a meeting
- CRM: Blake F., UBC AMS Pres, takes the stage. http://yfrog.com/1ema5j
- CRM: Blake says UBC planning flawed, ams in conflict with UBC
- CRM: Blake says UBC Board of Govs not approachable. Alledges UBC engaged in intimidation.
- CRM: Blake calls for majority student reps on working group
- CRM: UBC refusal to participate called bullying by Blake
- CRM: Blake says students worried their voice to be drowned out.
- CRM: Mike Feely, UNA Chair, speaks to committee
- CRM: Feely says local governance in UNA working well, metro shouldn't get involved.
- CRM: UNA includes a student rep on Board
- CRM: Feely, We actually have a form of governance that works
- CRM: Feely, "my community is different than other westside communities". Affordable housing area. It's a model for the region.
- CRM: UNA participation contingent on being the majority reps on community related working group
- CRM: UNA any decisions be subject to majority vote of UNA residents
- CRM: Feely says. OCP is working for local areas.
- CRM: In response to questions from Andria Remier, it seems that UNA elections look a bit poorly monitored
- CRM: Councilor Anton, asks if UNA structure really best? Is UNA open to discussion? Feely says currently system has potential to work. Hmmmm
- CRM: Electoral Area A committee moves to table working group report on UBC bylaw to next meeting and seek further consultation.
- CRM: UBC greenspace plan discussed, as metro moves forward to regulate UBC
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