Saturday, September 1, 2012

OUR (UBC居民自发联合协会) 候选人竞选平台 - 社区土地利用总体规划和发展

OUR (UBC居民自发联合协会) 候选人竞选平台
- 社区土地利用总体规划和发展

作为UBC居民自发联合协会 (OUR候选人竟选平台的一部分, 理查德·亚历山大 (Richard Alexander),查尔斯·孟席斯 (Charles Menzies)和武绍宏(Shaohong Wu)承诺, 如果当选,他们将争取让社区居民在土地利用总体规划和发展上发挥切实有效的和更大的作用, 他们建议:
•居民社区规划职位以及其他相关机构的职位应由UNA 委任,委任人应定期向UNA 汇报工作进展情况

理查德· 亚历山大(Richard Alexander)

查尔斯·孟席斯(Charles Menzies)
我是一个社区民主的积极倡议者和支持者。作为大学校园居民社区学校行动委员会的前主席,我积极有效地提倡和促进了我们社区内学校和社区配套设施的发展。现在我们的社区发展正处在一个关键的十字路口 新建议的高密度建筑楼群将严重威胁我们的社区宜居性。为确保我们的社区的健康发展,现在是我们一起采取有效的行动的时候了”。

武绍宏(Shaohong Wu)
作为校区居民,我和你们一样关注我们的社区发展,环境和生活质量。当选后,我承诺将致力于把UNA发展成为一个代表我们居民的自主管理机构。我的工程专业背景,专业的项目管理经验,多元文化群体背景下发展和培养的领导技能将使我有效地完成使命。 我承诺将致力于发展适合我们居住的社区和具有居民广泛参与的社区民主”。

OUR Candidates’ Platform—Land Use Planning and Development

As part of their platform, OUR candidates—Richard Alexander, Charles Menzies and Shaohong Wu—commit to seeking a greater role for residents in land use planning and development for the neighbourhoods.
The candidates have adopted the following positions:
·       Residents should have an integral role in the formulation and amendment of land use and neighbourhood plans, and in the approval of individual development proposals.
·       The UNA should take the lead in bringing about this increased resident involvement.
·       Resident positions on planning and other bodies should be filled by UNA appointees, who should report regularly to the UNA.

Our Candidates

Richard Alexander

"I believe in community involvement. We have new residents, many new to Canada, who can and should participate in our community and make it a better place to live. While on the UNA, I will reach out to strata councils, faculty, staff and students who live in the area to become engaged in their community through UNA committees and sponsored activities. I am running for UNA Board to represent the rapidly developing South Campus area and to encourage owners and residents to become engaged with their community." 

Charles Menzies

“I’m a strong supporter of community-based democracy. As the former chair of the Schools Action Committee of the University Neighbourhoods Association at UBC I have advocated on behalf of our community for appropriate school and community facilities. We are at a crossroads where increased development is putting the livability of our community at risk. Now is the time to act prudently and considerately to ensure that our community stays livable.”  

Shaohong Wu

"As a resident of U-Town, I share my neighbors concerns about our environment and quality of life. I am committed to UNA's vision of a democratic self-governing community. I am confident that my engineering background, professional management expertise, leadership skills, and my in depth understanding of and extensive experience in collaborating with people from multiple cultural backgrounds will enable me to contribute to the fulfillment of UNA's vision and help make our U-Town a more democratic and livable place."

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