
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

UNA Directors' Meeting, March 11, 2014. Pre-meeting report

The UNA Board meeting package is online and available for viewing.   Prior to each meeting I review the package and jot down a series of questions that I have about the materials in the package.  Starting with this meeting I will place my questions online for public viewing.

Each meeting there are a series of reports from external agencies  (Electoral Area A Director, the AMS, Campus & Community Planning), our UNA standing committees, the UNA Executive Administrator, and then staff reports related to specific agenda action items.

Executive Director Report:

  • With respect to UNA on-street Parking: At the January 14, 2014 meeting of the UNA Board of Directors the following motion was passed: “Moved by Tanner Bokor, THAT the Board of Directors supports the recommendation of the Operations and Sustainability Standing Committee to extend the current restricted parking regulations in Hawthorn Place East from Monday-to-Saturday to Monday-to-Sunday with the same operating hours of 8 am to 6 pm.” I note that as of March 10, 2014 (two months later) the signage within Hawthorn Place along Logan Lane and Eagles Drive has not yet been changed to reflect the Board Decision of two months ago.  When the decision of the board will be implemented?
  • In this report the ongoing problems the UNA is facing in finding a childcare operator to run two UNA spaces is discussed.  One concern is that any UNA childcare operator would find them selves in direct competition with UBC.  The senior administrator for UBC Housing is quoted as saying any UNA operator would not be in competition with UBC. But is that really correct?  Wouldn’t in fact  a childcare provider operating a UNA facility actually be in competition with the UBC Housing daycare?  How else could that be understood?  Given that and our problems getting a response, perhaps it would be useful to either (1) invite UBC Housing to operate the daycare spaces under question or (2) drop the idea of providing daycare at this point in time.
  • Can you provide a list of “stakeholders” who are members of the Outdoor Events Committee that will be charged with oversight of outdoor concerts and other major events that might have a negative impact upon UNA residents? 
Campus Planning Report

  • Can you provide more details on the public hearings on UBC’s updated regional context statement? The hearings ended mid-February,  what were the inputs and how did the context statement change following the public hearing period?
  • Can you report out on the traffic flow surveys that were being undertaken along 16th? There remain persistent community concerns related to the four-lane highway and problematic round-abouts.
Animal Bylaw Report

  • Could you explain (1) why the committee felt that a definition of "aggressive dogs" is preferable to naming specific breeds, and (2) would it not strengthen public confidence to both define aggressive dogs and prohibit specific breeds with a documented aggressive and violent record?
Parking around the Old Barn Community Centre

  • This item proposes a several month pilot project to offer 1 day parking passage to residents using the Old Barn Community Centre and how face some form of mobility hardship. 
  • The report notes that the restricted 2 hour parking stalls for community centre use are filled to 95%+ occupancy during most weekdays.  Has there been any consideration of how to deal with the asserted misuse of these parking stalls?  If so, could you elaborate?
  • Can you provide a factual summary of the number of residents who have complained about a lack of parking when they are attending an Old Barn event?  
  • What is the duration of a typical program attended by  a mobility impaired parent with an infant or a mobility impaired senior who might wish/need to drive a car rather than bike or walk to the centre?  
  • Can you provide a set of criteria that will clarify the definition of “hardship” that allows a resident access to a day parking permit?  
  • Is there a detailed pilot project implementation plan available for review that includes the specific criteria for determining 'hardship', the methodology for evaluating whether or not the pilot project was successful or not, and the extent to which this pilot project will solve the identified problem: lack of short term parking for car drivers attending the Old Barn programs

  • Could you remind us what security service we are paying for under item 20.
  • What does the UBCPT other expenses estimate include

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