
Friday, September 26, 2014

Thank you to my fellow faculty and staff UNA residents

Dear Faculty and Staff Neighbours,

Thank you for your support for Allan Craigie and myself in the recent UNA Elections.  I am very disappointed that Allan is not joining me on the UNA board as a resident director. Allan is a strong candidate and a person of integrity: just what is needed on the UNA Board.

I take my election as the only member of the UNA Board who is part of the faculty and staff residential community at UBC very seriously.  You have placed your trust in me to represent our common interests.  Our community of staff and faculty residents - in rental and co-development and market housing- is a multicultural world travelled group of hard working, caring, and considerate people.  We have concerns that we share in common with other UNA residents, but we also have specific concerns that are related to living with our employer as landlord.  The UNA needs to pay attention to both the commonalities and the differences that are represented within the global UNA residential community.   Over the past few years the UNA has not done as good a job as it could have attending to these needs.  I pledge to work with your organization and members to make real improvements over the course of my next two years as a UNA Director.

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