
Monday, November 22, 2021

'Current Directors' Slate - campaign letter

 Dear Fellow UNA Members,

You are probably becoming tired of all the emails from candidates, so we will keep this brief.


We are writing to ask that you vote for us: Murray McCutcheon, Jane Kang, Richard Watson, and Bill Holmes. We are the four current UNA directors in this election. We have worked together harmoniously and effectively over the last two years and would like to continue serving the community. Between us, we bring considerable experience with the UNA. Electing us will provide continuity in the operation of the UNA Board. 


Our track record shows that we get things done. Here are a few things we have achieved as directors:

·       Significant changes to the UNA’s bylaws. These were approved by UNA members last year. One change eliminated UBC- and AMS-appointed director positions. Now all UNA directors are elected by residents, enabling the UNA to more strongly represent the interests of residents.

·       Addition of new purposes to the UNA’s constitution. These include representing the interests of residents vis-à-vis UBC, the BC Government and other entities, and taking positions on land use and development at UBC. As continuing Board members, we intend to pursue these purposes vigorously, especially with respect to UBC’s development of Campus Vision 2050 and its proposals for Stadium Neighbourhood.

·       Formation of the Community Engagement Advisory Committee. This committee provides advice to the Board on increasing the engagement of residents in community life. It is planning a survey of residents to determine how the UNA can better serve the community.

·       Formation of the Land Use Advisory Committee.  This committee, which is about to be launched, will assist the Board in formulating positions relating to land use and development, both in the neighbourhoods and nearby.

·       Hiring a superb Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), who was previously a CAO in a municipality.


You have heard numerous wonderful ideas from other candidates as to what they would like the UNA to do. While we agree with many of these ideas, we are also realistic. The UNA has limited resources  both staff and money so only a fraction of the ideas can be implemented. We commit to working together with newly elected directors to initiate actions that will be of greatest benefit to the community.



Murray McCutcheon

Jane Kang

Richard Watson

Bill Holmes

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