
Monday, November 22, 2021

Third Slate is now public

 With the Sunday, Nov. 21/21 campaign letter the 'current directors' slate that kicked off with a private meeting a week ago is now out in the open.  It was clear during the all candidates meeting that at least Holmes and McCutcheon were speaking to their collective campaign messages, but the letter lays it down. 

Their message revolves around their 'harmonies' history of working together, the over promises of other candidates, and how much more their experience will be important in this new stage of the UNA. They imply, but do't state, that electing a totally green slate would be a disaster.

The 'current directors' slate really seems to be a reactive slate, most likely worried about the implications of the well organized and well supported 'AMS slate' of Co, Gan, Ngieng, and Proust.

The 'current slate' is trying to pull from the older, establishment Hampton Place voters comprised of many retired empty nesters and newcomer residents.

The 'AMS slate' is working to recruit students to the UNA, solicit those already members, and draw out those who feel disaffected from the current UNA's actions (or lack thereof).

Cheng's, Glassheim's, and Liu' slate might be understood as the better communication and engagement slate. Rather than simply saying they'll make the UNA change, they demonstrated the change they want to bring by  putting it into play with a new facebook page for community discussion. 

All in all it will be interesting to see the results from this election which will very likely produce a new board populated with candidates from these three slates.

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